
Zeiļu lake

Lake Zeiļu Zeiļu Zeiļu Zeiļu Zeiļu Zeiļu Zeiļu Zeiļu
Place 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 14.6 14.6.7 14.8 14.8.7
Sample clay / sapropel clay clay clay clay clay clay clay
Candida albicans Not found < 10 CFU/1 g
Escherichia coli Not found < 10 CFU/1 g
Pseudomona aeriginosa Not found < 10 CFU/1 g
Staphylococcus aureus Not found < 10 CFU/1 g
The total amount of aerobic mesophilic microorganisms 7.5 x 10 CFU/1 g 3.0 x 10 CFU/1 g 4.0 x 10 CFU/1 g 7.0 x 10 CFU/1 g 6.0 x 10 CFU/1 g 1.5 x 10 CFU/1 g 3.5 x 10 CFU/1 g 1.0 x 102 CFU/1 g
Yeast Not found < 10 CFU/1 g
Mould Not found < 10 CFU/1 g
Clostridium genus 8.0 x 10 CFU/1 g 4.0 x 10 CFU/1 g 6.0 x 10 CFU/1 g 3.0 x 10 CFU/1 g 9.0 x 10 CFU/1 g 4.0 x 10 CFU/1 g 4.0 x 10 CFU/1 g 2.0 x 10 CFU/1 g
Salmonella Not found in 25 g
Bacillus genus 2.0 x 10 CFU/1 g 2.0 x 10 CFU/1 g 4.0 x 10 CFU/1 g Not found < 10 CFU/1 g 4.0 x 10 CFU/1 g Not found < 10 CFU/1 g 2.0 x 10 CFU/1 g 2.0 x 10 CFU/1 g

Pauguļu and Šķirpānu lakes

Lake Pauguļu Pauguļu Pauguļu Pauguļu Šķirpānu
Place P 4.8 P 5.5 P2 6.5 P6 3.5 S 4.6
Sample clay / sapropel clay / sapropel clay / sand clay clay / sand
Candida albicans Not found < 10 CFU/1 g
Escherichia coli Not found < 10 CFU/1 g
Pseudomona aeriginosa Not found < 10 CFU/1 g
Staphylococcus aureus Not found < 10 CFU/1 g
The total amount of aerobic mesophilic microorganisms 2.0 x 102 CFU/1 g 1.2 x 103 CFU/1 g 6.0 x 102 CFU/1 g 5.0 x 10 CFU/1 g 1.3 x 103 CFU/1 g CFU/1 g
Yeast Not found < 10 CFU/1 g Not found < 10 CFU/1 g 5.0 x 10 CFU/1 g Not found < 10 CFU/1 g Not found < 10 CFU/1 g
Mould Not found < 10 CFU/1 g Not found < 10 CFU/1 g 5.0 x 10 CFU/1 g Not found < 10 CFU/1 g Not found < 10 CFU/1 g
Clostridium genus 2.0 x 10 CFU/1 g 5.0 x 10 CFU/1 g 4.1 x 102 CFU/1 g 1.0 x 10 CFU/1 g 8.0 x 10 CFU/1 g
Salmonella Not found in 25 g
Bacillus genus 4.0 x 10 CFU/1 g 3.0 x 102 CFU/1 g 2.2 x 103 CFU/1 g 2.0 x 10 CFU/1 g 1.2 x 103 CFU/1 g

Šķeņevas and Plisūna lakes

Lake Šķeņevas Šķeņevas Plisūna Plisūna Plisūna Plisūna
Place Š 1.8 Š 5.5 PL1 1.4 PL1 1.6 PL1 1.8 PL2 2.4
Sample clay / sapropel clay / sapropel clay / sapropel clay clay clay / sapropel
Candida albicans Not found < 10 CFU/1 g
Escherichia coli Not found < 10 CFU/1 g
Pseudomona aeriginosa Not found < 10 CFU/1 g
Staphylococcus aureus Not found < 10 CFU/1 g
The total amount of aerobic mesophilic microorganisms 1.7 x 103 CFU/1 g 1.6 x 102 CFU/1 g 4.0 x 10 CFU/1 g < 10 CFU/1 g < 10 CFU/1 g 3.0 x 10 CFU/1 g
Yeast Not found < 10 CFU/1 g 1.0 x 10 CFU/1 g 3.0 x 10 CFU/1 g Not found < 10 CFU/1 g Not found < 10 CFU/1 g Not found < 10 CFU/1 g
Mould 1.0 x 10 CFU/1 g 6.0 x 10 CFU/1 g 2.0 x 10 CFU/1 g 1.0 x 10 CFU/1 g Not found < 10 CFU/1 g Not found < 10 CFU/1 g
Clostridium genus 6.6 x 10 CFU/1 g 2.0 x 10 CFU/1 g 2.8 x 102 CFU/1 g 2.6 x 102 CFU/1 g 5.8 x 10 CFU/1 g 1.4 x 102 CFU/1 g
Salmonella Not found in 25 g
Bacillus genus 5.0 x 10 CFU/1 g 3.0 x 10 CFU/1 g Not found < 10 CFU/1 g Not found < 10 CFU/1 g Not found < 10 CFU/1 g Not found < 10 CFU/1 g

Prezmas lake

Lake Prezmas Prezmas Prezmas Prezmas
Place 3.9 3.10 4.9 4.9.5
Sample clay / sapropel clay / sapropel clay / sapropel clay / sapropel
Candida albicans Not found < 10 CFU/1 g
Escherichia coli Not found < 10 CFU/1 g
Pseudomona aeriginosa Not found < 10 CFU/1 g
Staphylococcus aureus Not found < 10 CFU/1 g
The total amount of aerobic mesophilic microorganisms 1.5 x 102 CFU/1 g 1.3 x 103 CFU/1 g 1.2 x 103 CFU/1 g 2.1 x 102 CFU/1 g
Yeast Not found < 10 CFU/1 g Not found < 10 CFU/1 g 6.0 x 10 CFU/1 g Not found < 10 CFU/1 g
Mould Not found < 10 CFU/1 g
Clostridium genus 8.0 x 10 CFU/1 g 3.0 x 10 CFU/1 g 4.4 x 102 CFU/1 g 7.0 x 10 CFU/1 g
Salmonella Not found in 25 g
Bacillus genus 6.0 x 10 CFU/1 g 2.0 x 10 CFU/1 g 1.2 x 102 CFU/1 g 1.4 x 102 CFU/1 g